
 We would like to take a minute to welcome you to the “HEADS UP HARNESS”  family. We appreciate your purchase. The harness was thought up with the goal of saving dogs that are being euthanized, only because they couldn’t be walked on a leash safely. We solved that problem! Try our harness and send us your feedback. And always remember, walk with your HEADS UP.

~100% Satisfaction Guarantee Made In The USA~

Read before using “The Heads Up Harness
​Only use this harness to walk your pet.
DO NOT leave the harness on while the pet is unattended.
Never leave the harnesson your pet for extended periods of time, rubbing and chafing may occur.
Not to be used to attach or tether pet to a stationary object, may cause tangling or choking resulting in death.

Does not stop dogs from biting, only to be used for walking and training.
​Dominant dogs may freeze up when harness is first put on. This is normal, you are now the dominant pack leader. Just start walking and they will follow you in a calm submissive manner.  

small Dogs

20-50 lbs

Medium Dogs

55-85 lbs

Large Dogs

90-160 lbs

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only $19.95 Free Shipping​

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